With heartfelt gratitude for the many years of Jesuit care and charism, St. Agnes Church now transitions to the pastoral leadership of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This change is embraced with trust in God’s loving guidance, honoring the Jesuit legacy that has deeply enriched our faith community and shaped our journey together.
We would like to wish a sincere thank you to all those who completed our survey and shared their opinions about the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass. As a result of your feedback, we are happy to announce that the 8:30 AM Mass will be returning on Sunday, September 22.
On behalf of the St. Agnes parish community, and St. Agnes pastoral and administrative staff, we wish Fr. Cristóbal Emilfork, SJ a hearty welcome to St. Agnes! Click to read Fr. Cristóbal's introductory message to the parish.
Last night, we had the honor of welcoming Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ and his companions Maya and David from Homeboy Industries. Thank you to all who joined us for this special evening, and especially thanks to our guests of honor for sharing their time, experiences, and wisdom with us. It was a night to remember! To view the photo album, click on this news article.
Our ESL program began several weeks ago and is off to a wonderful start. Our hardworking team consists of 35 students and 7 teachers. Kudos to these dedicated teachers and students! Keep up the fantastic work! Nuestro programa de ESL comenzó hace varias semanas y está teniendo un comienzo maravilloso. Nuestro equipo está formado por 35 estudiantes y 7 profesores. ¡Felicitaciones a estos profesores y estudiantes dedicados! ¡Sigan con este fantástico trabajo!
Yesterday, we celebrated our community of volunteers at St. Agnes with our annual Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue! It was wonderful to see so many of us gathered together to share gratitude and a delicious lunch! Ayer celebramos a nuestra comunidad de voluntarios en St. Agnes con nuestra barbacoa anual de agradecimiento a los voluntarios. ¡Fue maravilloso ver a tantos de nosotros reunidos para compartir gratitud y un delicioso almuerzo!
All are welcome to journey to find God in all things through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. Agnes and St. Ignatius Parishes offer the Exercises through the 19th Annotation, known as “a retreat in daily life.” The 19th Annotation Retreat is a way of making a retreat during the course of ordinary living without having to forgo, for a time, one's commitments to work, family and friends. Important in the discernment process is the completion of a questionnaire. Please return the questionnaire before August 31, 2023.
Registrations are now open for the 2023-24 year, which starts in September. Please register by visiting saintagnessf.org/cff-registration. For more information, contact CFF Coordinator Sr. Teresa Malave, VDMF: [email protected].
The St. Agnes community would like to wish a heartfelt welcome to the new members of our Pastoral Council: Kathleen Devine, Patti Easley, Sister Celeste Nuttman, and Katie Shanahan. A special thanks to Kate Carter and Tim Cunha, who recently completed their terms on the Pastoral Council. Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to St. Agnes.
Dear St. Agnes Family, Happy Father’s Day! Matthew 9:36—10:8 portrays Jesus' deep compassion for the crowds, as He saw them like sheep without a shepherd. This Father's Day, we are reminded that the role of a father extends beyond biology, encompassing any individual who has played a father figure in our lives—those who have guided, supported, shaped, and fostered our growth.
by Srs. Julia Prinz, Ellen Hess, & Sara Postlethwaite, VDMF
With the most beautiful mystery of Corpus Christi we will hold you in our prayer as we end our work at ISLC June 30th and send peace and blessing upon Saint Agnes and the ISLC. -Julia, Ellen, and Sara
Led by Annie Fox, CORE Leader and Jesuits West Provincial Assistant for Justice and Ecology OCTOBER 19, 2022 Parish + School Organizing Trainings for a More Just World This free 4-part series will be a space for parishioners, parish staff, and educators to skill-build the techniques and methods we need to manifest our dreams for justice into effective action.