All are welcome to journey to find God in all things through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. Agnes and St. Ignatius Parishes offer the Exercises through the 19th Annotation, known as “a retreat in daily life.” The 19th Annotation Retreat is a way of making a retreat during the course of ordinary living without having to forgo, for a time, one's commitments to work, family and friends. Important in the discernment process is the completion of a questionnaire. Please return the questionnaire before August 31, 2023.
Registrations are now open for the 2023-24 year, which starts in September. Please register by visiting For more information, contact CFF Coordinator Sr. Teresa Malave, VDMF: [email protected].
The St. Agnes community would like to wish a heartfelt welcome to the new members of our Pastoral Council: Kathleen Devine, Patti Easley, Sister Celeste Nuttman, and Katie Shanahan. A special thanks to Kate Carter and Tim Cunha, who recently completed their terms on the Pastoral Council. Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to St. Agnes.