My students really enjoyed volunteering for the ESL program at St. Agnes... It was a great success.
- Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures & Interdisciplinary Studies
USF STUDENT RESEARCH & ST. AGNES ESLWe discovered that it was vital to strike a balance between challenge and connection.
USF Student & Volunteer ESL Teacher
We both learned that the relationship between ESL Students and the teacher is not one sided. It is a mutual relationship that learns and listens to each other.
-USF Student & Volunteer ESL Teacher
The ESL (English as a Second Language) Ministry Program resulted from parishioners who generally attend the 1:30 p.m. (Spanish) Mass, who asked Fr. Alejandro for help. They wanted to succeed and do better in their lives, but without good English language instruction, they found themselves limited. Local community colleges or occupational centers have programs, but often during normal working hours or only offered on a rigid rather than rolling basis.
Thus, Fr. Alejandro decided to try to help by teaching lessons during his free time. Parishioners soon heard about this adventure, and they joined in. Sr. Eva Camberos, Sr. Estela Martinez, and Mrs. Cecilia Arias, along with Fr. George and Fr. Tim Godfrey, provided some advice to Fr. Alejandro, and directed him towards some people who could help with what was becoming a larger enterprise.
After much discussion, planning, and collaboration, the University of San Francisco's Mr. M. Sedique Popal, Professor and TESOL Program Coordinator, provided placement tests for the students as well as four enthusiastic teachers!
We started our classes with over 24 students and divided them into three levels: Basic/Novice, Level 1 and Level 2. If you want to volunteer and help us on certain occasions, please get in touch with Fr. Alejandro Baez, or Andrea Amaya, ESL-St. Agnes & ISLC coordinator.
We are grateful for everyone who is coming together generously to make this enterprise possible.
The Holy Spirit is surely at work!
Fr. Alejandro Baez, S.J. email: [email protected] (415) 450-8670