The birth of a baby is a precious gift and a major step on a family's faith journey–a journey that will be filled with surprises as the mystery of this new life unfolds with all its uniqueness, joys and challenges. With this birth, God is doing a new thing, creating a family anew. With a child's baptism, the family of the Church is created anew as well. Together as family and as Church in this particular community of Saint Agnes, we are charged with welcoming and nourishing the life of this child in every way–physically, spiritually, emotionally. In the baptismal rite, we are reminded of our own faith commitment and challenged to live it more fully for the sake of this child and the world.
Baptism is a family affair. Infants who are brought for baptism cannot voice their desire to become part of the Catholic faith. Their parents speak for them and pass on their own faith to the child. Infants are baptized into a community of believers.
During the ceremony, the symbols of water, light, oil, Sacred Scripture, and the community itself, are used to initiate the child. Those present are asked if they will support the parents of the child in their task of raising the child in the Catholic faith. They community gives witness by its worship and the way its members live out their faith.
When do baptisms take place, and where and at what time are they held?
Baptisms are typically scheduled on the fourth Sunday of each month, with some exceptions for the fourth Saturday. The upcoming Baptism dates are as follows:
- Sunday, November 24th @ 10:30 a.m.
- Saturday, December 28st @ 10:30 a.m.
-Saturday, January 25th. @ 10:30 a.m.
- Sunday, January 26th @ 10:30 a.m.
- Sunday, February 23rd @ 10:30 a.m.
If these dates pose any difficulties, families are welcome to inquire about scheduling a private Baptism. Depending on availability, these individual Baptisms may be held on Fridays, Saturdays, or weekdays. For special arrangements, please contact our office or speak directly with Fr. Alejandro.
**Note:** Parents and Godparents are kindly asked to arrive by 10:30 a.m. for both Part I (during Mass) and Part II (after Mass) of the Baptism. Thank you for sharing this joyful sacramental moment with our parish community.
Follow the easy 5-Steps:
1. Download and read our Baptism Brochure for general information.
2. Fill out the Baptism Register Data Form and send it to our office manager: Arianna Refuerzo-Carvajal: [email protected]
3. Make an appointment to introduce yourself to Fr. Alejandro using the following link here.
4. Attend a Baptism preparation class (1st of the Month). You will be given more information once you talk to Frank Uranich, director of liturgy and music. Please contact him at [email protected]
5. Baptism Date (Certificate will be given and fees must be paid no later than the Baptism date).
For more information about Baptisms at St. Agnes, please contact: Ariana ([email protected]) or Fr. Alejandro Báez, SJ: (415) 450-8670 or email.
Please feel free to download our Baptism Brochure and fill out the Bilingual Data Form for Baptism Register.
Baptism Brochure
Just as you prepare lovingly and carefully for the arrival of your baby, it is equally important to prepare yourself to help your child live his or her life as God's son or daughter. Every child deserves this kind of care and special attention, even if there are other baptized children in the family. With this new arrival, family circumstances and relationships as well as your own faith journey will change and that is cause for reflection.
Throughout the history of our Church, the practice of preparing for baptism has ranged from no preparation at all to years of instructions for catechumens. Vatican Council II separated the celebration of baptism into two different rites–one for adults, usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil, and one for children under the age of seven. Baptism has always been understood to initiate each person into a personal relationship with God that brings salvation. The new rite visibly reaffirms an ancient, deeply held understanding that baptism also brings us into membership in the Church, the community of believers that mediates and forms that relationship.
For a child, the most important faith community is the family where he or she first experiences love and begins to understand God's unconditional love. In the baptismal rite, parents make a faith commitment on behalf of their child and promise to help the child's faith grow. The Church promises to be present to and for the child as together we learn to be disciples of Jesus. Because this sacrament is such an important moment and because it is the first step in an ongoing process of faith-filled living, we ask parents to join us in preparing for this celebration, to use the weeks before the baby's baptism to explore the meaning of this event for them and their child.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you for joining our upcoming baptism preparation class and video. We are thrilled that you have decided to take this important step in your spiritual journey.
Our class will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the significance and importance of baptism, as well as the preparation required for this sacred sacrament. We will cover topics such as the meaning of baptism, the symbolism behind the ceremony, and the commitment that baptism entails.
Our video, which will accompany the class, will provide you with an immersive and engaging experience. You will be able to see and hear firsthand accounts from individuals who have been baptized, and gain insights into their experiences.
We believe that this class and video will be a valuable resource in your spiritual growth and development. We encourage you to actively participate in the class, ask questions, and share your thoughts and insights with others.
We look forward to meeting you in person and embarking on this meaningful journey together.
Mr. Frank Uranich, Director of Music & Liturgy
Baptismal preparation at St. Agnes involves one afternoon session of prayer, input, and discussion for parents. Godparents do not need to attend. Sessions are usually held the first Saturday of each month at 1:00pm and are facilitated by Frank Uranich, Director of Liturgy & Music. Please contact Arianna Refuerzo-Carvajal at 415.487.8560 or email [email protected] to register for preparation sessions. Parents are expected to be registered at St. Agnes Parish and actively participating for at least 3 months prior to the Baptism of their child.
Baptisms take place at St. Agnes Church usually once a month on a Saturday. Other times can be arranged if there is an emergency. Because the whole community prepares during Lent for the Easter sacraments of initiation and renewal of baptismal promises, we do not baptize during Lent, unless there is an emergency.
Parents and godparents are asked to arrive at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled time of the baptism so that they can meet the priest and be given necessary instructions.
The role of godparent is not only an honor, but a serious commitment to support the parents and child in the faith. Although only one godparent is required for your child's baptism, it is customary to have two. Godparents must be 16 years of age or older and at least one must be a practicing Catholic who has received the Eucharist and the sacrament of Confirmation. The other godparent need not be a Catholic, but must be a practicing Christian. If you select godparents who live a great distance away, they need not be present at the baptism. You may have a proxy stand in for the official godparents. More godparents may be included in the ceremony, but there is only space for two in the church's register as official godparents.
A white garment, symbolizing new life in Christ, may be worn for the ceremony.
This is a special occasion that you want to remember for many years to come. The baptism should be memorable first as a prayerful worship experience. Although cameras are welcome, picture taking should be discreet during the ceremony so that the rite itself is not disturbed. Pictures may be taken before and after the ceremony. The presider will be happy to participate in picture taking and will help in any way he can to make this event a reverent celebration. The ceremony may be videotaped without special lights from a stationary position out of the sight lines of the assembly.
Please contact our Office Manager, Arianna Refuerzo-Carvajal, for more details: [email protected]
A priest or deacon on the staff of St. Agnes Church usually presides at baptisms celebrated in our Church. If you wish to have a visiting priest or deacon baptize your child, please discuss this well in advance with the Baptismal Coordinator. If it is appropriate for a visitor to preside or participate, one of the priests or the Baptismal Coordinator will communicate with him about our normal parish procedures and other matters.